Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Saya dah sampai Malaysia..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

seorang pemanah mahir di tepi pantai
laut ditiup angin menjadi ombak
hati di pulau menjadi sasaran
darah yang mengalir terus mengalir

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Hatiku kebas merindu
Layar minda terus berputar
Seakan saja nadi itu cuma hiasan
Larut dalam bisikan
Tenggelam lalu hilang

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sarah jessica Parker Lovely Review

Hey peeps,


My second entry for today?
What happened to me??
two blog posts in a day??

I'll go straight to the point
I just find that this guy has reviewed SJP Lovely in a very particular way!

Yeah, i bought one for myself not long ago.
I was convinced by the reviews in the magazine saying that
this is one of the top 10 frangrances sold over the world!

I was so curious about this fragrance,
and decided to buy one for myself.
After bought it,
I find it quite hard to have a suitable moment to wear it.
I usually wear perfume based on my in situ mood.
in situ?? so science!
I mean my current mood before i put on any fragrances.

SJP Lovely has a strong smell
Very feminine, classy and floral-herbal fragrance.
I think evening wear should be the most suitable time to put it on.
I love my perfume.

With that, I conclude my entry for today.
Happy Monday for Malaysians :D

Britney Spears Curious

Hello there


Saya nak share, hari tu saya beli Britney Spears Curious (100ml).
Mana tak beli kalau harga macam tu?? Seksssa jiwa raga tengok.
Memang pernah teringin nak beli curious ni sebab masa try tester dulu suka bau dia memang decent, simple and sesuai untuk pakai as day fragrance.

Tapi saya beli dengan niat nak jual or bagi kat orang. Tapi..lepas tgok video review kat bawah rasa macam nak pakai untuk diri sendiri pulak.acane? haihh..

Oh ye, jangan tak tahu, perfume pompuan orang laki pakai jugak tau. Enjoy the video!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Promotion Britney Spears Island Fantasy!!


Hey peeps! How are you?

Ok, ada berita penting untuk semuaaaa peminat Britney Spears perfume!

Selepas Fantasy Twist, Britney launchkan pulak her 13th fragrance which is

The Britney Spears Island Fantasy ~~~

(drumroll pleasee)

Island fantasy BRITNEY SPEARS™ is a fruity floral and the brands first EDT. A potion of succulent fruits and colorful blossoms, evoking warm sunshine, ocean breezes and glittering beaches. Followed by a mouthwatering mix of citrus cocktail, mandarin, clementine, watery melon and red fruits intertwines with refreshing floral notes of jasmine, freesia and violet. A surprising finish of soft musky undertones and sugar cane makes the tantalizing aroma carefree, flirty and feminine, just like Britney.

Britney spears Island Fantasy
EDT 100ml
Promotion sampai hujung minggu ni RM130 sahaja!!

This gorgeous ombre bottle scent sooo fresh!
Since dia baru lauch, so sekarang tengah ada promotion sampai end of this week!!!
(12 may 2013)

So pleaseee
to the ladies out there yang nak pre-order perfume ni,
sila email saya cepat-cepat, 
lepas confirm order terus transfer duit so that saya boleh beli sebelum sale habis ye!
Ni ada review kat bawah.
happy watching ^.^

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

senarai yang sangat pendek pre-order perfume UK

 Sorry saya terlupa nak bagi senarai pendek perfume yang sale.
Tapi tak banyak..

1. Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy EDP 100ml RM150.00
2. Britney SpearsCurious EDP 100ml RM 150 (fatin liyana blogger famous tu suka perfume ni)
3. CKin2u EDT 100ml RM160
4. Jean Paul Gaultier Ma Dame EDT 50ml RM170

Tapi please2 kena cepat tau coz stock sangat2 terhad!

till then peeps!

update pre-order perfume


sorry ye adik-adik sebab dah lama tak update.

Ramai yang email saya bertanya pasal sale perfume,
memang sale dah tak ada sekarang,
rupanya masa saya post tu last sale besar-besaran.

But, dont worry be happy,
because if you all ada nak request perfume,
boleh email pada saya,
mungkin perfume tu ada sale.
cuma tak banyak.

oh ya, pasal make up tu,
saya rasa tak jadi kot nak buka pre-order sebab tak variety.
haha. sorry ye.. tapi kalau ada request,
boleh je email pada saya.

Ape-ape pun saya harap hari anda lebih baik dari semalam
dan hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini.


take care you allsss!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jangan bersedih bila diuji!


Kepada saudara saudari kat luar sana
Kita mungkin tak kenal sesama sendiri
Mungkin jugak saling mengenal
Mungkin jugak kenal tapi tak berapa nak kenal
Mungkin jugak kenal sikit-sikit
Mungkin jugak mungkin jugak
sori mengarut 
semua tu tak penting sebab
kita ada satu persamaan yang nyata

Kita semua manusia
-Sebab kucing tak pandai baca blog-
dan sebagai manusia, 
adalah sunnatullah untuk kita diuji..

DALAM sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Thabrani daripada Abu Umamah, Allah berfirman kepada malaikat-Nya bermaksud : "Pergilah kepada hambaKu. Lalu timpalah bermacam-macam ujian kepadanya kerana Aku mahu mendengar suaranya."

Hadis di atas menjelaskan bahawa Allah SWT memerintahkan malaikatNya yang tidak pernah menderhaka dan tetap melaksanakan apa yang Allah SWT perintahkan kepada mereka untuk melakukan pelbagai ujian dan dugaan terhadap hamba-hambaNya. Dengan dugaan dan ujian ini, diharapkan akan terkeluarlah suara hamba itu. Namun begitu, sekiranya tidak terkeluar suara hamba itu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui sesuatu yang tersembunyi dalam hati hambaNya. Sesungguhnya kehidupan ini tidak sunyi daripada kesenangan dan kesusahan, kesukaan dan kedukaan yang silih berganti. Oleh itu, barang sesiapa yang beranggapan kehidupan ini adalah kesenangan, kemewahan semata-mata atau penuh dengan kesukaran dan kesusahan selama-lamanya, itu adalah salah.

Melalui hadis di atas, Allah SWT mengingatkan bahawa kesenangan dan kesusahan itu adalah ujian ke atas hambaNya dan ia adalah sunnatullah. Oleh itu, kehidupan ini dipenuhi dengan ujian dan dugaan daripada Allah. Ini kerana sesuatu yang tidak diuji, tidak akan kelihatan keasliannya. Umpama manusia gagal untuk menentukan emas tulen dengan tiruan. Maka, untuk menentukan emas itu tulen, maka perlulah dinilai ketulenannya. Demikianlah halnya manusia, di mana mereka telah mengaku diri beriman, tentulah Allah SWT akan menguji sejauh mana keimanan mereka terhadapNya. Dalam hal ini, Allah telah berfirman: "Apakah manusia mengira bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan mengatakan: Kami telah beriman, sedang mereka belum diuji?" (QS Al-Ankabut:2-3).
copy paste dari SINI 

Ok, point hari ni is
Bila kita ditimpa masalah dan kesusahan
NEVER EVER rasa mengeluh or ape-ape lah
sedih takpe 
tapi ucaplah alhamdulillah

sebab setiap kesusahan dan kesedihan yang kita lalui tu
adalah satu bentuk kasih sayang Allah pada kita
Allah cubit manja hati kita
supaya kita ni tak leka mengingati Dia

Banyakkan berdoa dan mintak lah semuanya pada Allah
sebab Allah tu Maha Kaya
Maha Pemberi Kurnia
Insya Allah

Found in draft

Di laluan ini
Kulihat saujana alam
Keindahan yang membuat kita lupa menutup nganga

Di laluan ini
Kulihat emas berganti warna
Kadang indah memikat jiwa
Kadang hitam seakan dendam

Maka takut menguasai diri

Surah Yunus ayat 85

Surah Yunus verse 85

They said, 'We relied only upon Allah. Our Lord makes us not a test for unjust people.

Dalam ayat ni saya nampak macam doa untuk kita mohon perlindungan dari Allah dari fitnah orang-orang yang zalim.

Semoga dijauhkan.


Thursday, March 21, 2013


Saya tahu saya akan rindu suasana ni
cuaca yang dingin beku

Saya tahu saya akan rindu suasana ni
Tilam yang empuk selesa

Saya tahu saya akan rindu suasana ni
Sunyi dalam keramaian

Monday, March 18, 2013

The men's rules


Tadi saya blog walking then terjumpa ni

Owner blog cakap dia terjumpa somewhere tapi dia tak pulak tulis dari mana.

The Men's Rules:

1. Men are NOT mind readers. (FIRST & FOREMOST RULE)

2. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

3. Sunday sports, It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

4. Crying is blackmail.

5. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just tell us what you want!

6. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question..

7. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

8. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.. In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

9. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

10. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

11. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

12. Whenever possible, Pls say whatever you have to say during commercials.. we don't disturb you while you are watching your soaps and serials.

13. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

14. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

15. If it itches, it will be scratched. We all do that.

16. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle. !

17. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

18 . When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really .

19 . Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as Racing or Football.

20. You have enough clothes.

21. You have too many shoes.

22. I am in shape! Round IS a shape!

23 . Thank you for reading this.. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight.

So guys, sama tak rules ni semua ngan korang?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Surah ar-Rahman ayat 55


Saya dapat petua daripada seorang yang sangat saya hormati
Beliau nasihatkan supaya mengamalkan ayat ni selepas bersolat

Saya google maksud ayat Fabiayi Aala Irobikuma Thukadziban
Kita biasa dengar ayat ni..
Malah mudah pun untuk kita hafal..

Jadi pencarian saya jatuh pada halaman INI

Penulis berkongsi satu puisi,
pada kiraan saya pernah saya terbaca sebelum ni
Namun bacaan saya kali ni berteman sedu


Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia....
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.

Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih...
Allah SWT sudah menghitung airmatamu.

Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu serasa berlalu begitu saja...
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersama denganmu.

Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelepon.
Allah SWT selalu berada di sampingmu.

Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah mencoba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi....
Allah SWT punya jawabannya.

Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan...
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu

Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan...
Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu.

Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan merasa ingin mengucap syukur...
Allah SWT telah memberimu rahmat.

Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban...
Allah SWT telah tersenyum padamu.

Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi...
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.

Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap....

Salam hujung minggu dari Bangor, Gwynedd.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Terbeli lagi satu perfume

Entry keinsafan
Rasa nyesal je bila pikir duit dah keluar beli benda ni
Tapi bila bau terus hilang sume rasa nyesal tu
I love u SJP!
Bukan senang nak tunggu perfume famous sale mcm ni,
so sape yang nak stock SJP Lovely masih ada.

Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely

Harap-harap cukup lagi la duit nak makan bulan ni 

Macam stock CKIN2U, Britney Spears Curious, sume dah habis..
Sebelum ni saya try BS Curious, tak pernah rasa sedap,
Tapi hari tu saje la nak try,
tetibe rasa sedap pulak..
Sesuai la kalau nak buat pakai g keje,
ringan je..
Tapi sayang, dah habis..
Ingat nak belikan jugak kat adik..
Ramai adik ni..
kena pk sorg2 nak bg ape kan.

Dan, bila saya bau balik wonderstruck by Taylor Swift, 
saya rasa base dia bau lagi sedap dari Britney Spears Midnight Fantasy;
Walaupun pada mulanya saya kata bau dorang tak jauh beza.
Wonderstruck ni kita tak cepat bosan bau dia.

CK One Shock and CKIN2U sangat pekat bau manis dia.
Sape yang suka bau sweet candy ni boleh la beli.
Biasanya orang jiwa remaja and comel-comel suka la bau manis ni
So kepada adik-adik manis,
marilah order perfume dengan hakak ni ok.

Tata, kat sini dah lewat malam,
nak tido da.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Paul Smith Rose Limited Edition 2013


Mai sini che' nak habaq
semalam punya la saya ni stress
memang saya dah lama mencari side perfume
sebab saya rasa perfume lama saya
Armani Code tu dah berubah bau
Maklum lah malas nak jaga perfume,
botol pun jarang sangat bertutup
Maybe sebab dah lama sangat, bertahun-tahun dah pakai
tak habis-habis jugak..
Lagi pun
Takkan la saya nak g lab pun pakai Chloe kan..sayang la..

So semalam ceritanya, saya stress..
Terus perasaan nak rasa perfume baru tu membuak-buak
Memang hari tu saya dengan member saya ada pergi try satu perfume ni
Memang kami dua-dua jatuh hati la
Dulu, saya pernah terdetik dalam hati untuk ada perfume bau rose..
Tapi saya tak tahu brand apa yang ada bau macam tu

So, berbalik pada cerita saya pergi survey perfume dengan kawan saya tu
Ni perfume dia

Masa first time tengok tu kami confuse sebenarnya..
Sebab ada lagi satu botol, nama sama, tapi kat botol xda corak cute polka dot ni.
Harga dia ok, cuma tak da sale,
biasanya kami hanya akan beli perfume time sale je kalau kat sini
So kami cakap, kita tunggu sampai dia sale!

So semalam saya tergerak hati nak cek pasal benda ni
Rupa-rupanya ini adalah
Paul Smith Rose Limited Edition 2013
So memang harapan la dia nak sale kan sebab baru je lauch bulan Jan hari tu
Sabor jela mak..

So dengan hati yang lara stress-stress ni
saya pun terus la g buat perfume hunt
Compare punya compare
Terambil jugak la perfume ni
Instead of Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely and Jlo Glow.

So in love with the pleasant smell :)
Bau limited edition ni lebih best dari bau yang normal edition.
Sebab lebih light and veru mild.
Dan perfume ni hanya exclusively  di jual di satu tempat sahaja dalam UK ni
Kang kalau dah habis merana la nak cari balik, memang tak dapat.

But Glow jangan kecik hati ok, I'll grab u waktu u ada sale!hehe ;p

Till then people, jangan lupa order perfume dengan saya, boleh cek di sini.
Sempat lagi ni, tarikh tutup 7 March 2013.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Review Pre-order Perfume March


Senarai perfume yang saya buka untuk pre-order few days ago..
Bleh refer DI SINI untuk maklumat lanjut

  1. Britney Spears Fantasy Twist 100ml RM146.00 was RM195.00

  2. Calvin Klein Euphoria For Her EDP Spray 50ml RM156.00 was RM223 

  3. Calvin Klein CKIN2U For Her EDT Spray 50ml RM97 was RM 130

  4. DKNY Red Delicious Women 50ml RM180 was RM240

  5. Calvin Klein Obsession For Her EDP Spray 50ml RM142 was RM190

  6. CK One Shock Woman 50ml EDT RM77 was RM110

  7. Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue EDP 75ml Giftset RM150 was RM200

  8. HUGO Man EDT Spray 100ML RM135 was RM193

  9. Jean Paul Gaultier Ma Dame EDT 50ml RM150 was RM228

  10. J Lo Miami Glow EDP 100ml RM136 was RM200++

  11. Justin Bieber Someday 50ML EDP RM105 was RM150

  12. Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely EDP Spray 100ml RM157 was RM300

  13. Taylor Swift Wonderstruck 100ml RM143 was RM250++ 


    Ok, first and foremost,

    1. Perfume yang saya tahu as one of the biggest-selling in the world is SJP Lovely.

    Personally, if I were to have side perfumes, Lovely will be one of it! Lovely is so lovely perfume, light, feminine, simple, and modest.

    2. The very famous seductive perfume  CK Euphoria.

    This perfume sangat famous ok. A friend of mine ada cakap, this is her mom's favourite perfume and no body can touch it. 

    3. Perfume yang sweet :

    -BS Fantasy Twist


    -CK One Shock


    -JB Someday

    Untuk semua perfume yang sweet ni saya rasa sape2 yang suka perfume candy-like boleh pilih mana-mana. 

    Wonderstruck is very similar to Midnight Fantasy which is half part of the fantasy twist yet ada la lain sikit-sikit which saya tak berapa pandai nak describe. As yang semua tahu, fantasy twist ni dia letak two most famous Britney Spear's perfume. So kalau beli untung la sebab dengan satu harga boleh dapat DUA perfume yang awesome!

    CKIN2U pun saya rasa special, pernah jadi my KIV list. Why dont you just try it as your daily wear? Because sangaaaat murahhh :D

    Untuk Justin Bieber fans, dorang confirm akan beli Someday! Maybe this is just another celebrity perfume, but I think it worth buying because the smell is nice too! :)

    4. Untuk perfume yang unique saya akan pilih JPG Ma Dame. Korang perlu tahu yang harga JPG kat Malaysia sangat mahal. Few weeks ago saya ada beli untuk diri sendiri, but then I decided to sell it because I think it doesn't suit my personality. But after all I really love the smell, because it is different from any other typical perfumes. Sebenarnya banyak je lagi perfume lain yang saya suka, tapi you know, perfume has to blend with our skin and personality.

    5.  First time saya try CK One Shock saya duduk kat kedai tu sangat lama kot, duk pikir nak beli ke tak, nak beli ke tak, sangat sangat murah.. (nanges jap). Masa tu saya tengah cari my daily wear perfume, sayang kot nak pakai our favourite one kan..

    6. Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue is very feminine and elegant. I think sesuai untuk orang yang kita hormat macam mak, cikgu, kakak yang matang,etc etc.. sangat sesuai untuk buat hadiah kan :)

    7. I am very curious about CK Obsession because people really do talk about it but the problem is that I never got a chance to try it! 

     Please, if you have any review about any perfume or instead your favourite perfume, do leave a comment. I would like to know about your favourites too!^_^

    And if you want to inquire for any other perfume, do let me know ok. Jangan malu-malu. Till then :) 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The taste of perfume

(Jangan lupa jawab)

Perfume scents are very personal.
They reflect our personality.

Berkenaan entry saya tentang pre-order perfume tu.
Saya bercadang nak buat review untuk perfume tu, 
tapi sebelum tu...

Orang kata, 
bab perfume ni depends kat orang
sebab tak semua yang kita suka orang suka.

Jadi saya nak bagitahu sikit la taste perfume saya 
supaya kalau saya cakap perfume tu best 
anda semua boleh agak range-range mana bau best dia tu.

Setakat ni saya boleh kata saya big fan of Lancome.
My first signature perfume was Lancome Hypnose.

Kemudian saya jatuh cinta dengan Chloe
Pada saya, 
saya suka perfume yang bau dia  
lain dari yang lain and sophisticated.

Ok, Lancome lain yang saya admire Tresor Midnight Rose,
sebelum saya try Midnight Rose tu,
saya tau,
Lancome takkan pernah hampakan saya.
Bila saya try je, saya tau my next will be this one.
Tapi kat Malaysia harga dia dekat RM300, so tungguuuu dulu,

Kemudian, bila sampai sini,
Saya teringin sangat nak try Dior Poison,
masa kat Malaysia saya pernah dengar cerita-cerita legend pasal Dior Poison.
Yang mana bau dia memang dikekalkan dari first time dia launch 1985 dulu.

Kemudian masa first time saya try,
Memang saya mabuk kepayang!
Dior Poison sangat special,
so very special
Very classic yet evergreen,
high class, feminine, mysterious, 
simple yet sophisticated.

Dia memang poison, 
Saya tak boleh lupa perasaan masa saya bau dia,
Imaginasi saya melayang-layang kat udara,
Kotak fikiran saya dalam dunia lain,
I can see a very beautiful and stylish lady,
with high heels and elegant style
Walk in confident and pride.

Ok, finish with Dior Poison.

Cinta saya tak habis kat situ je,
saya setia dengan Chloe, Hypnose, Midnight Rose and Poison,
tapi kat sini saya mula mencari scandal baru.
Sape mereka?
saya akan review lain kali :D

*semua gambar adalah ehsan Mr. Google

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pre-order Perfume dari United Kingdom


Kali ni saya nak tunjuk apa yang saya nak jual.
Sebenarnya, untuk pengetahuan semua saya sekarang berada di Wales, United Kingdom.
Dah dua bulan pun saya duduk kat sini.
Awal bulan Jun nanti saya akan balik ke Malaysia.
Seperti yang ramai orang tahu, 
UK ni ada beberapa barang yang kalau kita beli kat sini harganya agak murah berbanding kalau beli kat Malaysia.
Contohnya macam PERFUME.
Haaa..dulu masa mula-mula saya datang, saya frust jugak kenapa harga perfume kat sini tak da la murah sangat pun..
Rupanya saya salah faham.
Kat sini, perfume akan jadi murah bila ada sale sempena apa-apa event.
Kalau kat Malaysia setakat yang saya duk perhati, dorang takkan bagi discount yang banyak kat perfume. 
Paling-paling pun 10%.. 
tak pun dengan harga perfume yang sama dorang akan bagi banyak free gift macam losyen ke, bag ke, make up ke, etc etc..
Tapi kat sini kalau sale perfume, discount harga tu yang paling best!


Britney Spears Fantasy Twist 100ml

The FIRST celebrity fragrance on the market to separate with one simple twist...

The sleek and playful interlocking bottle features fantasy and midnight fantasy- two scents you love that will see you through from day to night!


was RM195.00


Calvin Klein Euphoria For Her EDP Spray 50ml

Euphoria is about sexiness, fantasy, and being captivating. Sexy and sensual, euphoria speaks to the woman who has the urge to break free from everyday life - to provocatively be part of an exciting world filled with pleasure, surprise, and temptation. Her fragrance is a contrast between exotic fruits and seductive florals, for a rich, creamy, seductive signature.


was RM223 

By Caroline
Out of this world, oozes sexiness ,sultry and very seductive. I love it, worth every penny!


Calvin Klein CKIN2U For Her EDT Spray 50ml

CKIn2U her opens with a burst of pink grapefruit fizz and a surge of mouthwatering sugar orchid. Lit from within, neon amber rushes throughout. The base of the scent is flush with seduction, satisfaction, and a lingering afterglow.


was RM 130 

By Sonia
This is great. The bottle looks modern yet trendy - of course it will, its Calvin Klien! It smells so good, and lasts really long, althought its not a heavy smell. Wearing IN2U makes me feel uplifted. Its so great to wear something that gets you noticed!


DKNY Red Delicious Women 50ml

DKNY Red Delicious for Women is inspired by all the excitement New York City has to offer; it is lucious and tantalising with a deliciously sophisticated twist.
Red raspberries flirtatiously mingle with crisp apples in this tantasingly fruity and sultry fragrance
was RM240


Calvin Klein Obsession For Her EDP Spray 50ml

In the spring of 1985, Calvin Klein Obsession set the world on fire with its powerful sensuality.


was RM190

By redhead
from Wirral
Such a feminine perfume which lasts all day. An all time favourite of mine which attracts comments from both sexes when I wear it !Can't bear to be without it, it's as important as lipstick, love it !

By Rhona Coats
I love this fragrance and am always complimented when wearing it. Have tried many other perfumes but this is always my first choice.


CK One Shock Woman 50ml EDT

The fragrance is a juicy, flavourful floriental that warms into a sexy skin musk.
It opens with a fierce bouquet of passionflower, pink peony, and jewelled poppy flower. The intensity deepens with blackberry, jasmine and narcisse flower drizzled with a liquid chocolate accord. The addictive signature finishes with magnetic ambers enveloped in patchouli, wrapped in second skin musk.

was RM110 


Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue EDP 75ml Giftset

This fragrance is an elegant ode to the city; its bottle design is classic black and gold. Its shape is tall and deco, but the cap has a rounded element that softens the look. The fragrance is also soft, calling to mind the two sides of New York – strong, pointed and bold, but also eclectic and open.
A sparkling, sheer floral with subtle warmth and richness. A contemporary American classic.
Top notes: Lilac, Linden Blossom, Dewy Magnolia, Muguet, Exotic Mandarin and Bergamot.
Middle notes: Rare Rose Bulgarian, Violet, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, Indian Tuberose, Peach, Clove and Nutmeg.
Base notes: Amber, Tibetan Musk, Sandalwood, Iris and Vanilla.
This great value Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue Eau De Parfum Gift Set 75ml is worth £57.50 and contains:
- Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue Eau De Parfum Spray 75ml
- Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue Moisturizing Body Lotion 100ml
- Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue Hydrating Cream Cleanser 100ml

was RM200 


HUGO Man EDT Spray 100ML

Hugo is a clean aromatic fragrance for men. Although its bottle has a military appearance, the scent itself is inspired by Generation X.
Combining notes of green apple, pine, jasmine and spearmint, this masculine and innovative fragrance will appeal to men who love a sense of the outdoors.


was RM193 

Jean Paul Gaultier Ma Dame EDT 50ml

A fresh, sweet, floral fragrance.
A twist of orange and fresh rose illuminated with a flash of grenadine.


was RM228

By Bea
from hampshire

A great perfume, really feminine.
I always get compliments when I wear it.
Despite being Eau de Toilette it stays well throughout the day.
Has an citrus/orange base to it, A Gorgeous Smell all round.

    J Lo Miami Glow EDP 100ml

    Miami Glow by JLo, the essence of Miami, the world’s hottest playground. Live the life. Share the spirit. Get the glow.

    The Fragrance: There’s something in the air... The scent of tropical fruits, lush and juicy. Pink Grapefruit, Coconut Water, Passion Fruit, Blackcurrant. A heady cocktail, a vibrant mix of youth and happiness. Sun-kissed skin, sun-baked sand. Florals, fresh and sensual. Orange Flower, Heliotrope, Cyclamen. The music plays, the excitement rises. Let’s party! Sunset. The sultry aura of Sheer Amber, Crystal Musk, Vanilla Orchid, Blond Woods. Flames flicker, eyes sparkle. The night is young.


    was RM200++ 

    Justin Bieber Someday 50ML EDP

    Be anything but ordinary with the debut fragrance Someday by Justin Bieber.
    Each bottle comes with a removable, crystal heart charm from Justin. What better way to carry his heart on your sleeve
    Top notes: mandarin, William pear and wild berries
    Middle notes: jasmine, water lily, creamy florals and coconut orchid
    Base notes: sandalwood, vanilla and soft musk
    Eau de parfum, 50ml
    Proceeds from the fragrance will be donated to Make A Wish Foundation and Pencils of Promise


    was RM150

    By Sara
    from London

    This fragrance by Justin Bieber is to die for. I bought this when it came out in stores, and at this very moment I can never go out, without smeling like this. So I can't live without it basically. Even the Haters turned out to love Justin's fragrance lol.


    By Shannon
    from Brighton
    smells so nice on my 4th bottle:-)

    Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely EDP Spray 100ML

    Like her personal style, her fragrance is a flashback to the classics of fashion design, made modern with her trademark twists on tradition. Lovely designed by Sarah Jessica Parker is inspired by her love of layering unexpected fragrances.
    The fragrance has a blend and scent of pure innocence with the exotic nature of a precious oil and the sophistication of a fine perfume. Lavender, orchid and amber that mingle with apple martini, paper whites and musk. The result, Sarah Jessica Parker's casual glamour fashioned into a fragrance.
    was RM300

    By Sue
    from Cornwall
    This is the third bottle that I have purchased. I love it & have always had really good comments, from people, when I am wearing it. It lasts well. In one word 'Lovely' a good choice of name!


    Taylor Swift Wonderstruck 100ml

    Wonderstruck draws inspiration from Taylor’s personal life experiences, making every element of the brand authentic.
    Wonderstruck is a charming and sparkling surprise of vibrant fruits, kissed by a bouquet of soft petals and a touch of sweet indulgence. 
    The flawless beauty of freesia, apple blossom and raspberry spark a swirl of vibrancy and feminine allure.

    In the heart, a sweet surprise of blissful vanilla is embellished by airy, sun drenched honeysuckle and white hibiscus.

    Notes of golden amber and sandalwood are woven with a kiss of lush peach.

    RM 143

    was RM250++

    from HADDENHAM
    This perfume is AWESOME! It stayed on all day and I had countless people complimenting me (not that I smell bad I hope...) but everyone was asking what perfume it was. For the price it is incredibly good and well matched to Taylor's sweet character. It is a delicate sweet alluring scent which will take me through from spring and into summer as it wear well and doesn't smell different in heat (cross fingers this years summer will be decent).
    Overall this is a fun, sweet, and attractive perfume that is not too 'in your face' and 'knocks out everyone in a metre radius' it is THE best perfume I have ever come across and I have had A - LOT! RECOMMEND RECCOMEND RECOMMEND!

    2. By MRS-G
    from LONDON

    3. By Lollipops-And-Candy
    from Cornwall

    This is a really great perfume, a nice big bottle and it lasts all day. It has a lovely sweet floral scent! Will definitely re-purchase!!!

    4. By PerfumeAddict
    from UK

    Absolutely flawless. Would recommend to ANYONE. It's not too overwhelming, but not too subtle. I love Taylor's music but even if you don't, this perfume is worth the price.

    5. By Charlie
    from London

    My mum got this perfume for me for my birthday and it has quickly become one of my favorites. It is a very sweet, light smell, and it's nice to wear on an everyday basis.


    Ok, dah puas tengok semua?
    Apa lagi, jom la beli dengan saya!
    Sebenarnya saya sangat teruja dengan harga perfume kat sini, jadi kalau boleh saya nak berkongsi keseronokkan membeli perfume kat sini dengan kawan-kawan saya kat Malaysia.

    Tapi satu masalah,
    sebab saya hanya akan pos atau bagi by hand perfume yang anda semua order lepas saya balik ke Malaysia bulan Jun ni. Lagi 3 bulan je pun. 
    Saya tak boleh nak terus pos setiap bulan sebab nanti benda tu akan menambah cost untuk harga perfume ni.
    Dan bayaran perlu dibuat sebelum promosi tamat which is  
    7 March 2013 ni.

    Jadi, semua ni based on trust business.
     Kalau ada yang tak percaya tak pe,
    kawan-kawan yang dah memang kenal saya, saya rasa tak da masalah.
    Sebab saya blog pasal ni pun supaya senang mereka nak tengok pilihan yang ada.

    Jadi kepada sesiapa yang berminat boleh la contact saya melalui 

    whatsapp: +447440765230