So yesterday i got an interview at Pulau Indah, Klang.
After the interview I went to GM Klang to survey for something.
Apparently, somebody's project is next to GM Klang. So I decided to wait until work time is over.
Disapointed with GM, I went to Aeon Bukit Tinggi which is very near to each other.
Driving from 6.15 in the morning and the where-in-the-world-is-the-company question mingling in my empty head for an hour. Lost in a mysterious island and all the waitings in the interview room really make me tired.
The only place I can have a good seat with air conditioning is of course a movie hall.
Yeay for a solitude movie watch!!
The only movie that starts at 4 is Lagenda Budak Setan 3.
MANY times i regret watching Malay movies.
But this one is one of a kind.
I would recommend this movie to newly weds and love birds or even young parents.
I love movies that leave us with good messages.
New Year?
2 months ago